Church Member

July 26, 2011

Marcia was a nurse and taught nursing at the nursing college. She was a member of the same church as James and I, a faithful choir member, and a pillar in the many church actives. I considered her a strong Christian friend. When my first book on Soul-Winning testimonies and tips was published she was the first to purchase a copy from me.

To my surprise Marcia excitedly contacted me stating that in reading the section about the difference between being religious, believing “about” Jesus and believing “in” and “on” and
“receiving,” she realized she was believing “about”. She switched and believed “on” and “in” and “wow” the difference! Doubts and fears were banished and a confidence bloomed realizing that her salvation is a gift from God we can receive and deeply appreciate. It can’t be earned.

Her husband tried to convince her that she had already been a Christian but had just made a deeper commitment. She strongly disagreed stating she knew the difference now and it was like day and night. To everyone’s surprise and delight she asked permission to speak from the pulpit giving her testimony and encouraging others to examine their own hearts and make sure that they weren’t just being religious like she had been. She then followed up getting baptized again, as a believer.

Testimony by Marcia K. Flaherty
Growing up in a Christian family, I assumed I was headed for Heaven when I died. As I grew older I had doubts. Had I done enough, was I good enough, was I righteous enough?

In later years I remarried and my husband and I attended a Baptist Church. I heard the plan of salvation often and alter calls were common. I was asked if I knew I was saved. I was taken aback by this, as after all, I had learned my Heidelberg Catechism which stressed sin, salvation, and service and I learned many Bible verses over years of attending Sunday School. Plus I had made a profession of faith when I was 17, so I thought I was okay.

But, deep down I did not know for sure about my salvation. I began to see that “I” was the focus of my faith and not about what Christ had done. After hearing others’ testimonies I realized I had a head knowledge but not had a heart change. I had religion, but not a relationship with the Savior, like others told of. I prayed that the Lord would forgive me for my pride of having knowledge without a heart for Him.

One day I was reading a book by Gloria Goering entitled “God’s Appointments.” She referenced John 3 and the story of Nicodemus. As I read, I felt my heart opening when I read that Nicodemus asked, “What must I do to be saved? “ Christ answered, “You must be born
again.” I had read John 3 many times but today the words jumped off the page. I began to have understanding that seemed to flood over my soul. My eyes were opened to the Scriptures that day like never before.

I cried out to the Lord for salvation. The Holy Spirit opened my eyes and my heart. Then on July 26, 2011, while riding in the car and enjoying some beautiful Iowa scenery, I heard the voice of Jesus say, “You are forgiven.” I was stunned, felt warm all over and knew in my heart that blessed assurance that I was saved.

There is nothing I would trade for that moment. I am totally amazed at God’s Grace. I have a special concern for anyone sitting in a church pew today that may feel as I did before. Cry out to Jesus for forgiveness before it is too late.

I often sing to myself and the hymns of old come back to me with more meaning than ever, such as: “Redeemed, How I Love to Proclaim It”, “Nothing But the Blood of Jesus”, “Are You Washed”, “We Are More Than Conquerors”, “Oh, How Wonderful, Oh, How Glorious, is My Savior’s Love For Me”, “My Faith Has Found A Resting Place.”